Suspension Yoga™ Teacher Training


Module #1 Introduction to Suspension Yoga™ – Overview of terminology, equipment and setup options, safety and form, aerial principals, fabric placements and height options, working with individual equipment components, and benefits of Inversion Therapy.

Module #2 Suspension Yoga™ Grounded Asanas – We will explore classic asana alignment, basic principles of bio-mechanics, aspects, and applications of grounded poses as we move through the first 3 levels of height settings.

Module #3 Suspension Yoga™ Aerial Asanas – Focus is on developing stability and ease during airborne poses, and how to advance safely into the more challenging yoga postures, such as arm balance, back-bends, head, and handstands.

Module #4 Specialty Poses & Classes: – Have fun with aerial play, specialty poses, and sequencing. More inversions, introducing therapeutic restorative postures.

Module #5 Anatomy & Creating a Class – The evolution of the spine, the most common causes of chronic back pain, and how to recognize and address them.
Cueing guidelines, training principles, and how to structure a well-rounded class.

Module #6 Business Acumen – Forms, promotional tools and recommendations for starting and operating a successful Suspension Yoga business.

What others are saying about our training

Suspension Yoga saved my business!


I’ve been really enjoying this training so far and I’m actually eager to start teaching!


“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart”

Thank you for planting the seeds of knowledge!


Thank you Beatrix for your support and vision. Creating this training of well-being-out-of-the box (Suspension Yoga) to experience the world from a different view, enhancing many lives. Giving a new perspective is a gift and blessing. You are an inspiration to many, sharing that all can be possible if one simply trusts, and yes, we CAN FLY!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for a fantastic teacher training experience. I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher, mentor, and inspiration. I feel extremely lucky, proud, and grateful to be a graduate of The Flying Yogi!


I am so grateful to have Beatrix as my teacher. She is a very responsive, reliable, kind, loving, and experienced teacher. She really loves what she does and is helpful, and cheerful. She knows well how to convey the message in different situations, she is very knowledgeable as well, and she has a sense of ownership.


The 50 hrs teacher training certification at The Flying Yogi is an awesome course. Not only did I learn so much, but I also ended the course 5 lbs lighter and a couple of inches taller. My balance has improved and I’m standing straight up. I feel great. Thank you, Beatrix!


Flying Yoga was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It truly was an unforgettable experience to overcome my fear and the journey of my inner strength. Beatrix Montanile is an incredible teacher, she’s the founder of Suspension Yoga. I loved her teaching style – she’s very attentive, encouraging, and supportive. A balanced curriculum of each aerial asanas, breathing, and anatomy with guidance between practice and theory while teaching. Her program was very well structured and well organized. I’m so glad I found this course to exhale my fear and believe in myself. Thank you, Beatrix!
